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letter33 - To Othman ibn al-`Abbas, his Governor over Mecca

My informer in the West has written to me telling me that some people from Syria have been sent for hajj and who are blind at heart, deaf in the ears and devoid of vision. They confound the truth with vanity, obey men while disobeying Allah, lay a claim on the milk of the world in the name of religion and trade in the pleasures of this world by forsaking the rewards of the virtuous and the God-fearing. No one achieves good except whoever labors for it, and no one is awarded the recompense of evil except whoever commits it. Therefore, carry out your duties like an intelligent, experienced, well-wishing and wise man who follows his superior and is obedient to his Imam. You should avoid what you may have later to explain. Do not rise up in riches nor lose courage when in distress, and that is the end of the matter.

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